AZ Controls
We are a solutions based Manufacturers Representative. Our Strength lies in our ability to coordinate resources – technical, product and human – for a wide variety of industry applications and challenges.
Product & Industry Updates View All
01 Jul 20214160v vs. 480v If you are using MV for less than 1000 HP you should ask yourself why.
14 Jun 2021What are harmonics and why are they a problem?
17 May 2021SPOC Automation helps increase oil production while lowering costs
17 May 2021Big cost savings with Danfoss IP66/NEMA 4X VFDs
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AZ Controls is proud to represent the industry’s premiere manufacturers in both the industrial and utility marketplaces. The manufacturers we represent provide the best services and products the industry has to offer.

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Our goal both individually and collectively is to have a positive impact, both in business and in the world. We are thinking of and acting on ways to make this world a better place than when we found it.